



People naturally have the ability to process most of the events we encounter in our lives. In most cases, the brain processes a traumatic or difficult experience so that it can be stored in our “normal” memory.  Ideally, we can then recall such memories without feeling highly stressed or retraumatized.

However, in some traumatic situations, the brain’s processing ability becomes “flooded” and we are unable to properly process what has happened to us.  Such traumatic memories become “stuck” in our minds. Troubling images, feelings and thoughts linked to the trauma get trapped in our nervous system, and can become triggered by seemingly normal events in our day to day life. These “stuck” memories can cause emotional, relational and even physical symptoms.

EMDR is a powerful technique that helps the brain to process these “stuck” memories which ultimately rewires the brain to help the client swap negative self-talk and defeating thought patterns for more positive behaviors.

EMDR is a systematic approach that uses bilateral sensory stimulation of the brain (via eye movement, tapping or sounds) to “unlock” the negative memories and emotions stored in the nervous system, then it works to help the brain successfully process the experience.

In addition to helping resolve trauma, you will develop personal resources to increase self-confidence and improve your ability to better face life’s challenges and stresses.


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